Bugs in Fermyn Wood

I had an excursion to Fermyn Wood with Jane, whose butterfly friend said that this was the place to see Purple Emperors. This involved driving to the wood which is close to Corby, parking on the side of the road and then walking a mile or so down a forest track to an area known as Lady Wood. I had not realised that it was a longish walk and had brought old dog Hettie along, so the going was slow. Jane who regularly walks 20 miles or so must have found this a tad frustrating.
Once there we met up with a number of butterfly maniacs who pointed out the faintest whiff of a Purple Emperor 40 foot up a tree. I only saw it when it took flight. The sun was out for a while in the morning but clouded over into the afternoon, and had it been warmer there may have been more action. Jane suggested a pile of dog pooh might do it as the emperors are very partial to dung and rotting fruit and meat. Hettie did not oblige!
However we had fun photographing silver-washed fritillaries and the rare white form valezina which we were lucky to see. Also a painted lady sitting on the ground who refused to open her wings for us.
I had with me the 105mm macro which was not really a long enough lens to take these butterflies. The pictures here are cropped from much larger images.

I took several pictures of small skippers, a meadow brown and a rather scruffy ringlet? These were generally low in the grass or feeding on the thistles, which made it easier for my lens.

Finally I attached a 24mm extension tube to my lens and got down low to photograph a rather ugly brown cricket, a small green one, a blue damselfly and a tiny blue hopper.

After a very long rest while we were occupied with our photography Hettie was better equipped for the walk back to the car. We drove back to the visitor centre for a much needed cup of tea and piece of cake, well it was 3.30pm and we had not had lunch. Then post haste home for our Sunday evenings.


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