More ICM and pinhole effects

I had a weekend in the southern Lake District. There is a small hill, Gummers How, which overlooks Windermere and we went there for a walk.
I now have 2 pinhole lenses. One is an adaptor for the Lensbaby and the other a cheap plastic Holga lens which I bought for around £15.00 (joy). The exposure varies with light levels but is normally long enough for a tripod to be needed. It is not always possible to see what you are taking with the pinhole as the viewfinder is too dark, so I usually set the shot up using a 50mm lens and then swop over. I set the exposure to manual for the pinhole and then try different times for the shot. Obviously you do not need to adjust focus

The first few are from Gummers How and are mainly taken using intentional camera movement, moving up and down or zooming while taking the shot. The last 4 are of Dallam Chase in Milnthorpe, the last 3 are the ones where I have used the pinhole. There are a couple of 'normal' pictures of the same sort of views.


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