Calke Abbey - finally the last of autumn?

I know that anyone looking at this blog will be fed up with the trees! After a late start autumn has hung on and on and I have been to a number of places where the trees have been stunning - and who could resist? I am a fan of forest pictures, especially liking those of Hand Strand and Dav Thomas. We happened upon Calke Abbey a couple of weekends ago after visiting friends in Nottingham and it is certainly worth going to. The house was left to the National Trust in a semi derelict state and although it looks tidy outside, apparently not much has been done to it inside. I say this because it was closed as the National Trust shuts all of it's houses over winter believing the nation is confined indoors watching daytime telly. As you can see the day was overcast and tried to rain a couple of times. The grounds are extensive and there is a river running through on one side, in a steep woody ravine. There is also an isolated church which lies a little way from the house and was shut a...