Fens at Risk


Last weekend I went on a two day work shop based near Cambridge looking at 'Fens at Risk'. On both days we had a lecture in the morning, and on the Saturday we were let loose in the Fens to do a little photography. We went to Adventurer's Fen, an area owned by the National Trust close to Burwell. The area didn't look 'at risk', although, with global warming and rising sea levels I am sure it is. I took some pictures to try and illustrate the landscape. The Fens is an area heavily formed by man and a very important agricultural producer at a time where we are trying to be more self sufficient. The loss of this land by inundation would be very serious and also threaten major conurbations such as Cambridge and Peterborough.
The above picture shows the National Trust area with Highland cows grazing and a large solar array in the background. The Fens are festooned with pylons and those carrying power away from the array just add to the existing ones.

Burwell Lode

Broken sign on Burwell Lode

Cock up bridge


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