My new Nikon Z7 with adaptor and AF-P Nikkor 70-300mm f/4.5 - 5.6 E zoom

I do have a copy of the Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8 VR zoom lens but it seems very out of place on the Nikon Z7. It is large and heavy which rather defeats the object. So I bought the new 70-300mm P zoom lens which is very reasonably priced and has had great reviews. I know that I will maybe not get the very creamy backgrounds that I could get with a 2.8 lens but some compromises have to be made, and honestly the out of focus areas of the pictures taken at 300mm using this lens are quite pleasing. I am no bird photographer but I thought I might try out this combination on my garden birds. As no swans visit our bird feeder most of the birds are quite small and so the following pictures are all big crops from the original pictures. I tried various focusing techniques and found using the wide area (small) focus area selection in single point focus, the most successful. Here are the results.