Glorious Utah, first bite at Bryce

Last September I flew over to meet my sister in law Anne in Florida. We had made great plans to fly to Las Vegas and meet up with her son Mike to spend time in the National Parks in Utah.
However, best laid plans etc, Hurricane Irma came through the weekend after I landed. Anne works for a US airline in Sandford Florida and could not leave as she had to oversee the passage out of all the aircraft for safekeeping from Sanford Airport, and deal with the re-sheduling.
So I flew to Las Vegas alone on the Friday and met Mike. We spent a few days in Bryce and then went to Zion. Returning to Las Vegas, I said goodbye to Mike, Anne flew in and we set out again for Bryce. After a revisit we went across to Capitol Reef and returned from there to Las Vegas, Florida and the UK for me. I didn't mind, I had an extended holiday and two bites at the cherry.

So after that complicated explanation here are a few pictures showing the exterior of our hotel in Las Vegas and the Big Fish restaurant in the little town of Panguitch where we stayed to see Bryce. The big fish was no exaggeration, we had 2 enormous plates of food and the best fries I had ever eaten.


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