Inside Tate Modern

I paid a visit to Tate Modern to see the Giacometti exhibition and ended up spending the day there. It is a fantastic place for photography, especially the new Blavatnik building with it's concrete structure.
I started in the Tanks area and then, after a coffee went over to see the Giacometti where you are not supposed to take pictures, although I did sneak in a couple. I then went round the general galleries before returning to the Blavatnik building and going up to the viewing area at the top.
I saw a Giacometti exhibition on the Sainsbury Centre at Norwich University last year. Although there was not quite the amount of major works it was a more interesting than the Tate exhibition.

Starting in the Tanks, I have put the information boards up underneath the art pieces where appropriate. There was a magnificent rendition of Thomas Tallis,  Motet for Forty Voices, engineered by Janet Cardiff with Salisbury Cathedral Choir. Each singer had been miked separately and had their own speaker so that you could move around the room and hear the individual voices or just sit in the centre and enjoy the final result.


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