A weekend in the Dingle, beginnings

In June we had a long weekend in Ireland with our 'old' next door neighbours from 25 years ago, Howard and Madeleine. In fact it was at their suggestion and for a very precise reason which I will cover later.
We started our journey from Arkesden and had only got to the A505 on the way to the M11 and t'north when I had to stop to take a picture of some poppies. Not a full field, just a few at the side of the road, but very pretty.

Our rather tortuous journey than took us to Derby to visit Mairi and Lizzy en passant. We took the dogs for a walk and were faced with a stormy sky.

We finally got underway and reached Howard and Madeleine's house, near Mold, just into North Wales, in time for tea. We spent the night there and set out early the next morning for our trip across to Holywell and the Dublin ferry. From stormy, the light had retreated to dull so the ferry ride was insignificant photographically speaking. On arrival we drove to Navan, inland and about an hour north west from Dublin, to stay the night with Vaughan and Truda. Vaughan is Howard and Madeleine's son and he was to be our guide and driver for. the next couple of days.


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