Road to the isles, 29th June, at last to Mull

We eventually got to Oban just in time for the 2.00pm sailing across to Craignure on Mull. We had not booked and wondered if we would get on the boat, but they squeezed us in and we were off.
It was still cloudy but I got some shots of Oban as we were leaving and of the coast as we were coming in to Mull.

We drove round to the campsite at Craignure and got a pitch right by the water. A lady immediately rushed up to to warn us about the midges, showing her pockmarked arms as proof. We promised to use repellant, but realised that as she was a smoker her problem might have been going outside her caravan in the evening for a quick puff.
The wind had died down and I had a walk along the shore where a heron was fishing. The water had become like glass.

There was a pub within spitting distance so we went for a drink. Unfortunately they had run out of proper beer and only had cold fizzy stuff, but it was the first bar we had been to on the holiday and so a bit of an experience.
After we had eaten we went for a sunset stroll, although the sky was not really cooperating.


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