Rye Harbour workshop, December 2014

A the beginning of December last year I was booked on a one day workshop with Doug Chinnery and Valda Bailey, concentrating on a rather different side of photography, in camera multiple exposure and intentional camera movement to give a more abstract picture. I took my Nikon D800e with me as I can do a number of multiple exposures on one shot with this. It does not have the wonderful blending modes that the Cannon 5D mark 3 has and which Valda puts to such fantastic use but you use what you have! I also used a neutral density filter to give me longer exposures so that I could do some photographs with intentional movement of the camera.
We started around 9.00am with a hearty breakfast and then went out onto the shingle to do what we could. The day was cloudy but with some sunshine so a nice mix. The spit has a distinctive red roofed hut on it which figures in a large number of photographs. Here is my take on it.

I walked down to the edge of the sea and took pictures of the inlet and some little groins.

Close to the red hut is a brutal concrete gun emplacement which was completely backlit.

In contrast some old man's beard and other plants made an interesting subject.

Finally there were the marshes themselves stretching out to the horizon. I stayed until the sun started going down.

Many thanks to Doug and Valda for a great day out.


  1. I like the distorted reality these have, almost like shimmering images in a dream. I have tried one or two myself and like the technique's results.


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