Its Arkesden - again

As I take the dog for a walk around the fields in Arkesden nearly every day it's no surprise that  I make numerous pictures of the same spots. Being Essex and fairly flat, although close to the highest point in that county, it is not the most riveting place for photography. For a while I became fixated on a particular tree, so much so it became known as TFT (you may make what you will of the abbreviations). Now I take other stuff and still find bits that surprise me at different times of the year.
Here are some of the 'dog walk' starting with two plant pictures processed using 'bleach bypass' in Lightroom. These are followed by colour ones of the 'secret footpath' and then black and white conversions of the same. Finally an ICM of Stevens Lane, an old green road.
They are all taken with the Fuji XE-1.


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