I have a filing system for photographs on my computer which is based on years, months and events and I have taken to putting in that a 'home' folder every month, where I put stuff I have taken close to home. This is getting a bit like a lucky draw so I thought I would show you some of these pictures, if you'll excuse their randomness.
The first set are from a walk with a 35mm f/2 lens which I use for more street based photography, but wondered how it would portray the countryside.
Bean flowers |
One of the dog walks |
I took this to see if I could capture the yellow of the buttercups
This one was taken with the Lensbaby zone plate adaptor, which gives a very ethereal effect.
Just with a 50mm - a slightly past its best peony
Here are some of hostas and ferns in the garden. I liked the shadows of the ferns on the hostas.
The last ones were taken on an evening after a warm day when, unexpectedly a mist came down. The flowers in the garden seemed to glow.
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