An excursion to Bempton Cliffs

After a gap of a year and a half where I have woefully neglected this blog, I have decided to write a post. It was more a case of having a lot of photos I didn't know what to do with, so I decided this might be an appropriate repository. I am not really a bird photographer, but as my partner Alan enjoys a bit of bird watching, I armed myself with a long lens a little while ago so that I could take a few snaps for him. We went to Bempton Cliffs in South Yorkshire at the beginning of May when the bird breeding season was getting under way. This is the place to go if you want to renew your faith in the natural world. The birds cover every available nook and cranny of the cliffs and the air is loud with their raucous cries. It is carefully managed by the RSPB with a good car park and visitor centre, so not exactly wild, but I don't think the birds care about that. The cliffs are home to a large gannet colony. Always impressive birds which were flying past in squadrons like pelica...